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Ten Benefits of LED Lighting for Commercial Properties

In commercial settings LED light systems have become very popular because of outstanding benefits that include their extended lifespans and lower energy consumption. An LED bulb’s lifespan averages 25,000 hours. You would need to buy 21 regular $1 bulbs to equal one $8 LED bulb.

Here are ten benefits of LED Lighting:

LEDs operate in all temperatures

LEDs operate equally well in both hot and cold temperatures.

Near natural lighting

CRI or Color Rendering Index is a light source’s ability to deliver “ideal” (natural) light. LEDs have very high ratings.

Directional emissions

Standard light bulbs illuminate the ceiling. LEDs can be designed to only illuminate specific areas.

Efficiency doesn’t lessen with dimmers

LEDs become more efficient as the power is reduced.

Environmental safety

Fluorescent and mercury-vapor lights require special handling and disposal. LEDs are environmentally sound solutions and produce almost no UV emissions.

Less is more

LED lights are smaller, so they can adapt more quickly to a variety of lighting applications.

Cooling system savings

LEDs are practically heatless. Traditional incandescent bulbs convert 90% of their energy to heat; the number one hazard with conventional lighting. LEDs produce less heat, resulting in additional cooling system energy savings.

Solid State Light design

Solid state lights don’t need traditional glass bulb enclosures.

You can leverage utility and government rebates

Many electric utilities, state and municipal governments offer rebates and tax incentives for the installation of energy-efficient lighting.

This is capital improvement that requires no capital

You can undertake a retrofit with little or no up-front capital through financing that lets you pay for the retrofit over time through a portion of the energy cost savings achieved.

The Savings NES Can Help You Achieve

Typically, 40% of a business’s electric bill is for lighting of that business. The average US small business electric bill is $670 per month with $268 of that bill being paid just for lighting.

Installing LED lighting will save you 40-90% on the lighting portion of your business’s electric bill. Additionally, you will not have to replace bulbs for 5 to 20 years (depending on how long they are turned on each day) thus removing any maintenance and replacement costs for that period of time.

When you do the math the savings on your electric bill after changing to LED can give you a return on investment (ROI) in as little as one year!

Other savings are in maintenance. LED tubes have a lifespan of 5 to 20 years depending on how many hours per day they are turned on. They also don’t require a ballast.

Even more savings can be found in the fact that LEDs don’t emit heat meaning there are additional savings to be had with your cooling system.

NES has partnered with Global Energy Services (GES) to provide you with professional LED equipment and installation.

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